Car Maintenance Quiz – Auto DIY at Home
Today we are here with the 7 best maintenance hacks that will not only make your driving experience thrilling but also save you a lot of money and time. By just putting in little effort you can avoid going to the maintenance shops. Following the maintenance hacks given below you can keep your car healthy and make your driving experience better.
Don’t forget to take our quiz to challenge your knowledge about car maintenance and hacks at the end.
1. Using toothpaste to clean cloudy headlights
If didn't use this hack till now, then you are missing out on the satisfaction of seeing the clear and clean headlights. Toothpaste is found to be very good at cleaning cloudy headlights. Just take a dry cloth and after putting some toothpaste on it move it slowly on the headlights. After that rinse the toothpaste and let it dry. Here you are with clear headlights.

2. Buying Gas
Most people don’t pay attention to the gas stations when buying gas. You have to check whether a station is reputable or not. You also need to check if a station has a policy of changing pump filters or not. Some stations don’t even have pump filters and you may end up getting dirty gasoline. Don’t change stations every time you buy gas just select one station that you trust and always stick to it. Following these guidelines not only keep your car healthy but also make your driving experience better. This is also one of the maintenance trick from Toyota.
3. Removing an old registration sticker with a wet newspaper
If you ever removed an expired registration sticker from a car you can understand the frustration involved in this process. The sticker is always stuck on the surface and leaves your car dirty with its remaining pieces. But you can avoid this mess by using a simple but effective technique. Take a newspaper and make it fully wet with warm water after that put the newspaper on the sticker for 8 to 10 minutes and here you go the sticker will be removed smoothly.
4. Using shades to park a car
Using a garage for parking is always a better idea but if you go outside and need to park a car avoid parking it beneath a direct sun. Try to find a place where there is the lowest sunlight like a tree or a shade of a building etc. This not only will save your car from UV radiation but also provide you with a cooler car on a sunny day. When a car is parked under the direct sun, the steering wheel and dashboard are fully exposed to direct sunlight and they can be severely damaged and may be cracked. It’s better that you use a windshield if it's a compulsion to park a car in sunlight, it will at least protect the front of your car.
5. Carrying too much wait on the car’s roof
Every vehicle has a weight limit and you should burden your car under this limit. You can find a weight limit for your car’s roof on the user manual. If you overload a roof something may fall from the roof and hit another vehicle. It can also leave your car’s roof bending which will destroy the look of your car. Overloading can also affect the braking system and the car’s overall performance. So it’s better to avoid taking such types of risks.
6. Cold Pizza

If you have a built-in car warmer you are missing a lot. Have you ever bought a pizza and by the time you came home your pizza is cold but don’t worry you can use seat-warmers to keep your pizza fresh. Put your pizza on the passenger seat turn on your seat warmer and enjoy your hot pizza. Such a happy family car experience!
7. Washing your vehicle in winters
If you don’t like to wash your car during winters then you are not alone. Washing a car in winter is very difficult especially when it's snow falling. You probably think that why bother washing a car when snow or rain is doing all the job. But it's a wrong approach. Because snow and rain mixed with road dirt and sand make a perfect material that can cause rust on your car. If the temperature is very low outside take a bucket of warm water and wash your car. However, if the temperature is normal enough that you can go outside don’t forget to pay a visit to the car wash near your home. So never forget to wash your car during winters.
Tips to keep your car’s engine healthy
- At the beginning of your driving always accelerate slowly
- Don’t move your car’s steering wheel on the extreme right or extreme left for more than 10 seconds
- Don’t drive at high speeds during extreme weather (cold or hot)
- Keep your car at neutral while standing at red lights to put less strain on the engine
- At the start-up don’t race your car’s engine
Maintaining a car is not an easy task it’s a full-time responsibility, however, by just using some guidelines you can enhance your driving experience as well as the life of your car. By following the above-given tips you can keep your car healthy for the long run and avoid going to mechanics frequently. We hope that this areticle will help you to maintain your car like a pro.
Don’t forget to take our quiz to see whether you have the proper knowledge to maintain a car or not.