Indycar or F1: Which one is faster? & F1 Indycar Quiz
Sometimes it may feel that both F1 and Indycar are the same but actually, they are not. They both are sanctioned under different bodies and use different cars and platforms for racing. If you want to know what are the differences between both of them or which one has faster cars and which one you should watch then keep reading because we are going to discuss their history, features, engines, speeds, and many more things about them.
We also have an F1 and Indycar quiz for you which will test your knowledge about both of these series and tell you which series you will enjoy watching.
What are the differences between F1 and Indycar?

Formula One
Sanctioned by FIA ( International Automobile Federation) formula one is the biggest international racing for open-wheel formula racing of single-seater cars. Since its inaugural session in 1950, it has been one of the famous forms of world racing.
The series of races of Formula one is called Grand Prix, which take place either on a closed public road or on the circuits which were specially made for this purpose. The rules which all participants must follow are represented by the word ‘formula’. Two annual championships were held every year one for drivers and one for constructors.
20 drivers and 10 teams have competed in 23 races all around the world in 2021. The majority of these races occur on purpose-built roads. Very few of them occurred on the street tracks. The teams and FIA have agreed on a fixed budget every year. The budget was $145 million in 2020. It is expected that this budget will decrease more in the coming years. However, this budget does not include the salaries of drivers and top employees of the teams.
Indycar is a sanctioning body for Indycar racing and other open-wheel car racing in the U.S. Five racing series: Indycar series, Indianapolis 500, Indy Lights, Indy Pro 2000, and U.S. F2000 National Championship are sanctioned under this body. This organization is also recognized as a member of FIA through ACCUS. Its previous name before the adoption of “Indycar” was Indy Racing League. The name Indycar is adopted in 2011.
Indycar is a bit more flexible than F1 with 24 or more drivers to compete. In Indianapolis 500 you can even see 33 drivers competing. Lower budgets and heavyweights make Indycars more impressive and different for F1 cars.
Formula 1 vs Indycar which is faster?
To decide which one is faster you have to see some of the features and engines of both Formula 1 and Indycars.

Formula 1
Formula 1 cars have an internal combustion engine of V6 turbocharged 1.6-liter from the last eight years. To recover the kinetic energy lost during braking F1 cars have an MGU-K. It also has an MGU-H that recovers heat energy. These cars have a complete hybrid power unit. With the help of these hybrid systems, Formula one cars can produce a power output of up to 1000 bhp. Teams can choose these power units from the engine manufacturers of Ferrari, Mercedes, Renault, and Honda.
Only two energy stores and two control electronics per season are allowed. A driver can face severe penalties in case of using any additional components. Drivers can only change the semiautomatic gears of their cars once after 6 races. The power curve forces and restrictions of fuel flow force drivers to change gears only below 12000 rpm otherwise the engine can provide an rpm of 15000. On average 71 gears are changed during one lap by most of the drivers.
The width of the floor of F1 cars has been reduced and limitations are introduced in a bid to reduce downforce. To overcome these limitations constructors have found ways to bring back the lost downforce. The system of DRS is also introduced through which drivers can increase speed and overtake within a second.

To power, their cars Indycar drivers have to choose between Honda and Chevrolet for the engines. These cars have a 2.2-liter twin-turbocharged V6 engine. These engines are capable of providing power from 550 to 700 bhp. Indycars have 6-speed gearboxes with compulsory reverse gear. Wet and dry tires are supplied by Firestone through which drivers can choose.
The suspension system and brakes of Indycars are specific to tracks. Because the ones used for racing on oval tracks may not be suitable for street circuits. The teams from the Indycar series are allowed to build their accessories such as brakes and suspensions. The weight of these cars is 730 kg of ovals and street tracks but it is reduced to 716 kgs on speedways.
The push-to-pass system is used to boost the power of cars up to 40 BHP. This system is introduced in 2009. Drivers are allowed to use this system for a maximum of 200 seconds during the race.
Remember both the F1 and Indycar were built on different platforms and are governed by different bodies. They use different systems to boost their power and their engine is also built by different companies. The main difference is caused because of their budgets both of them use different budgets according to their needs.
Which one to watch?
The answer to this question is very difficult because everyone can have their own opinion when it comes to F1 vs Indycar. Their genre is the same but they both are completely different with regard to the budget and features. You can watch both of them and enjoy the world's two most famous car racings. However, if you still want to watch one of them and are trying to find which is good for you then you can take our quiz and by testing your knowledge you can decide which series you like the most.